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Recently Asked Questions

Web hosting

Types of web hosting 

From PU/ Web Technology >> unknown Chapter
16 Aug, 2024

Design a combinational circuit using PLD device as PLA( 4*8*4) that is used to implement full subtract or function in wh

From PU/ Logic Circuits >> MSI and LSI Components in Combinational Logic Design Chapter
10 Sep, 2022
Use chi-square test to test whether these numbers are serially auto correlated. 

A sequence of random numbers is given below. Use chi-square testwith a=0.05 to test whether these numbers are serially a

From PU/ Simulation and Modelling >> Probability Concepts and Random Number Generation Chapter
13 Apr, 2022
Use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test to determine if numbers are uniformly distributed on given interval.

The following numbers have been generated 0.44, 0.19, 0.88, 0.27, 0.55, 0.13, 0.63, 0.74, 0.11 and 0.33. Use the Kolmo

From PU/ Simulation and Modelling >> Probability Concepts and Random Number Generation Chapter
13 Apr, 2022
Draw analog computer for human liver

Equations of human liver are:  

From PU/ Simulation and Modelling >> Continuous System Chapter
13 Apr, 2022
Draw cobweb model for fluctuation of market price.

Draw the cobweb model (in graph) for :1) Fluctuation of market price.2) Cobweb model for market economy graph from given

From PU/ Simulation and Modelling >> System Simulation Chapter
13 Apr, 2022
Generate random numbers using linear congruential method.

Generate random numbers using linear congruential method with Xi = 27, a = 17, c = 43, and m = 100. And test their unifo

From PU/ Simulation and Modelling >> Probability Concepts and Random Number Generation Chapter
13 Apr, 2022
Use run test to determine deviation of weights from randomness

A quality control chart has been maintained for the weights of paintcans taken from a conveyor belt at a fixed point in

From PU/ Simulation and Modelling >> Probability Concepts and Random Number Generation Chapter
13 Apr, 2022
Find the addressing mode and target address for this instruction:

Instruction: 012030 PC: 2000 B: 5030 X: 3000

From PU/ System Programming >> Assemblers Chapter
6 Apr, 2022
Solve the following Assembly Language Program.

    i) Fill column for location counteri) Create object code column with object codesili) Show all data structures

From PU/ System Programming >> Assemblers Chapter
6 Apr, 2022
design a combinational circuit using pla(4*8*4)

 design a combinational circuit using pla(4*8*4) which is used to implement full adder

From PU/ Logic Circuits >> MSI and LSI Components in Combinational Logic Design Chapter
3 Feb, 2022
Design a CPU for these instructions

Can someone please  desgin CPU for thses given instructions Hardwired Control unit for given case

From PU/ Computer Organizations and Architecture >> CPU Design Chapter
30 Aug, 2021
WAP to clear 10 bytes of data starting from 2050H From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> Assembly Language Programming Chapter
7 Feb, 2021
Write a program to take input from 8 switches connected to PORTB of 8255A PPI and display the status of the switches to 8 LEDs connected to PORTA of 8255A PPI. switches to 8 LEDs connected to PORTA of 8255A PPI.

Write a program to take input from 8 switches connected to PORTB of 8255A PPI and display the status of the switches to

From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> Inupt / Output Interfaces Chapter
7 Feb, 2021
Question of Microprcessor

Instruction to generate 5 KHz sqaure waveform in 8254 PIT

From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> Inupt / Output Interfaces Chapter
7 Feb, 2021

How to handle hardaware and software interrupts in 8086?

From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> unknown Chapter
7 Feb, 2021
Address Decoding Circuit

Design an address decoding circuit to interface an input device with eight input swtiches and eight led output device at

From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> unknown Chapter
7 Feb, 2021
Estimate total cost of the software by calculating function points

Given data for a Al based social networking site developed by ABC company: Number of user input : 96 Number of user ou

From PU/ Software Engineering Fundamentals >> Software Metrics Chapter
5 Feb, 2021
SEF - Process Model

Suggest two ways in which a software process model might be helpful in identifying possible process improvements with ex

From PU/ Software Engineering Fundamentals >> unknown Chapter
4 Feb, 2021
Create menus in a Frame

The menu must be of this structure: file = open, close | quit edit = cut, copy | paste special = first, second, third

From PU/ Programming in Java >> Applets and Application Chapter
2 Feb, 2021
Write a program to copy contents of file 'abc.txt' to 'xyz.txt' From PU/ Programming in Java >> Exception, Stream and I/O Chapter
2 Feb, 2021
Make a bar chart in java

A bar chart for total number of students, where there are 55 men and 84 women.

From PU/ Programming in Java >> Graphs and Images/ Animation/ Multimedia Chapter
1 Feb, 2021
Create a graphic application to display "Pokhara University" with Times New Roman font, Bold style and 20pt size From PU/ Programming in Java >> Applets and Application Chapter
1 Feb, 2021
design a combinational logic circuit that has four inputs and two outputs From PU/ Logic Circuits >> unknown Chapter
31 Jan, 2021
Design a combinational circuit using PLD device as PLA( 4*8*4) that is used to implement full subtract or function in which difference is represented as Di and borrow as Br.

Design a combinational circuit using PLD device as PLA( 4*8*4) that is used to implement full subtract or function in wh

From PU/ Logic Circuits >> MSI and LSI Components in Combinational Logic Design Chapter
30 Jan, 2021
Design a combinational circuit using PLD device as PLA( 4*8*4) that is used to implement full Adder or function in which addition is represented as s and carry as c.

Design a combinational circuit using PLD device as PLA( 4*8*4) that is used to implement full Adder or function in whi

From PU/ Logic Circuits >> MSI and LSI Components in Combinational Logic Design Chapter
30 Jan, 2021
JDBC - Connect and read data from database

Write a simple java program to connect database and read data in the table name"Student"which hava four fields name"id",

From PU/ Programming in Java >> unknown Chapter
28 Jan, 2021
JDBC - update data on database

write a program to update data on following table Table:student        Column           Name Type      

From PU/ Programming in Java >> unknown Chapter
28 Jan, 2021
Is there always a path from a vertex to itself ?

For finding transitve closure, I have found two different methods on the internet. This Video says that there doesnot a

From PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm >> Graphs Chapter
22 Jan, 2021
How to construct a Binary Search Tree that contains duplicate entries ?

If entries in a BST are duplicate, how should we construct the tree ?

From PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm >> Trees Chapter
21 Jan, 2021
WAP to copy the content of table 1 which contains 10 numbers to table 2. From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> Assembly Language Programming Chapter
1 Jan, 2021
What is the difference between a fetch cycle of instruction cycle and opcode fetch of timing diagram? From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> Architectural details and instruction set of 8085 and 8086 microprocessors Chapter
31 Dec, 2020
Solve the recurrence relation

From PU/ Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science >> Recurrence Relations Chapter
30 Dec, 2020
Creating objects without new keyoword in Java

can we create object without using new keyword in java

From PU/ Programming in Java >> unknown Chapter
30 Dec, 2020
Read Input from console in java, Scanf Equivalent in Java

How to scanf in java? explained with example?

From PU/ Programming in Java >> unknown Chapter
28 Dec, 2020
Pin configuration of 8237 DMA controller. And explain the types of Modes available in it. From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> Inupt / Output Interfaces Chapter
26 Dec, 2020
M/M/1:(infinite,FIFO) related question. Queuing Therory Model 3

Q. Patients arrive at a clinic according to a Poisson distribution at the rate if 30 patients per hour. The waiting room

From PU/ Probability and Queuing Theory >> QT -> Queuing Systems Chapter
24 Dec, 2020
Draw a circuit diagram of an interfacing circuit that contains 4kb ram and 4kb rom assuming base address of ram is 8000H From PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming >> Inupt / Output Interfaces Chapter
24 Dec, 2020
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Recently Shared Materials

Real Time Systems - Handwritten Notes by Sanket Adhikari

Handwritten notes of Real Time Systems. Written by: Sanket Adhikari. PDF Prepared by: Sushant Rahapal

For PU/ Real Time Systems
20 Aug, 2023
Multimedia System Combined Notes For PU/ Multimedia Systems
31 Aug, 2022
NM Notes by Bashanta Khatiwada

Handwritten notes of Numerical Methods by Bashanta Khatiwada.

For PU/ Numerical Methods
20 Jul, 2022
Principles of Programming Language - Note by Er. Bikash Bhattrai

Full Note for Principles of Programming Languages - PU Syllabus - By Er. Bikash Bhattrai, GCES

For PU/ Principles of Programming Languages
20 Jul, 2022
Nm solutions - pu

PDF of solution guide of NM. Prepared by Manoj Tripathi.

For PU/ Numerical Methods
20 Jul, 2022
Structural Analysis - I complete note

Prepared by me and Basanta Khatiwada

For PU/ Structural Analysis - I
16 Jul, 2022
Simulation and Modelling Note

Handwritten Note of Simulation and Modeliing for Pokhara University, found somewhere on internet.

For PU/ Simulation and Modelling
14 Apr, 2022
Simulation and Modeling - Full Note

Full Note of Simulation and Modeling, for Software Engineering, PU.

For PU/ Simulation and Modelling
12 Apr, 2022
Solution of Object Code Generation Problems

Soultion of repeated object code generation problems of System Programming. Inlcudes Object Code Generation, Representin

For PU/ System Programming
6 Apr, 2022
8085 IO Interfaces: 8255A PPI, 8254A PIT, 8259A PIC, 8237 DMA Controller and 8251A USART

This PDF contains detailed information about 8255A PPI, 8254A PIT, 8259A PIC, 8237 DMA Controller and 8251A USART in

For PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
27 Jan, 2021
Introduction to Microprocessor

Introduction to microprocessor with its features

For PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
19 Jun, 2020

About interrupt with its types and purposes

For PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
19 Jun, 2020

MALP programs of chapter 6, originally written by Er.Hari KC sir.

For PU/ Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
9 Apr, 2020
C programs for 1st year

Inside this archive are the programs written in C.

For PU/ Programming in C
31 Mar, 2020
Programs On Object Oriented Programming in C++

Here , you may find the programs which are done in Class and Lab.

For PU/ Object Oriented Programming in C++
31 Mar, 2020
SR Flip Flop - easy to understand demo

This GIF shows how SR Flip Flop works in basic level. This really makes it very easy to understand SR Flip Flop.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Simplification using K-map - LC

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Number System and Codes - LC

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Logic Gates - LC

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Introduction to LC

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Flip Flops - LC

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Counters and Registers

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Combinational Logic - LC

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Arithmetic and Logic Unit - LC

Prepared by scanning notes of LC.

For PU/ Logic Circuits
22 Mar, 2020
Web Technology Summary

Summary of all chapters of WT. PDF shared under Creative Commons License.

For PU/ Web Technology
22 Mar, 2020
PHP Basics - WT

Pdf made from note copy of WT

For PU/ Web Technology
22 Mar, 2020
MySQL with PHP

Accessing MySQL database with PHP. Pdf made from note copy of WT

For PU/ Web Technology
22 Mar, 2020
JavaScript with some exam quesions solved

Almost all topics of Javascript with solved exam questions from event handling, form validation, mouse motion and more.

For PU/ Web Technology
22 Mar, 2020
CSS notes - WT

Pdf made from note copy of WT

For PU/ Web Technology
22 Mar, 2020
Types of JDBC Drivers For PU/ Programming in Java
18 Mar, 2020
Algorithm Design Techniques For PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm
16 Mar, 2020
Algorithm Analysis For PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm
16 Mar, 2020
Priority Queue - DSA

Notes about priority queue

For PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm
16 Mar, 2020
Sorting Methods

All algorithms to sort

For PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm
16 Mar, 2020
Introduction to DSA

Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

For PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm
16 Mar, 2020

Everything about graphs in digital systems.

For PU/ Data Structure and Algorithm
16 Mar, 2020
Engineering Mathematics II Reference Book


For PU/ Engineering Mathematics II
16 Mar, 2020
Engineering Mathematics III Reference Book

Ignore 1st page :)

For PU/ Engineering Mathematics III
16 Mar, 2020
Single Phase AC - BEE

Prepared from bought copy of notes by Manoj Tripathi.

For PU/ Basic Electrical Engineering
15 Mar, 2020
PolyPhase AC - BEE

Prepared from bought copy of notes by Manoj Tripathi.

For PU/ Basic Electrical Engineering
15 Mar, 2020
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